
Archives for 5. Desserts

Chiacchiere di Carnevale

Un dolce sfizioso prettamente carnevalesco che si realizza rapidamente combinando farina e uova con zucchero e gli altri ingredienti, dalla pasta ottenuta si ricaveranno delle strisce o degli anelli che verranno fritti nell’olio e cosparsi di zucchero a velo. Buonissime!

  • Difficoltà


  • Preparazione


  • Cottura


  • Dosi per

    4 persone

  • Costo



500g di Farina 00

4 Uova

– Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva “Masserie del Parco”

– 50g di Burro e 100g di Zucchero

– 1 Limone

– 4 cucchiai di Grappa e 4 cucchiai di Vino Bianco Secco

– Sale q.b.


Disponete la farina a fontana, mettetevi nel centro il burro ammorbidito a fiocchetti, lo zucchero, le uova sbattute, la grappa, il vino, la scorza del limone grattugiata ed un pizzico di sale.
Impastate tutti gli ingredienti e lavorate a lungo fino ad ottenere un impasto liscio ed elastico. Formate una palla, coprite con un telo e lasciate riposare per 30 minuti.
Al termine dei 30 minuti lavorate ancora la pasta per qualche minuto, poi tirate una sfoglia sottilissima con il matterello.
Tagliate dalla sfoglia così ottenuta delle striscie della larghezza di circa 8 cm, quindi con una rotella ricavatene tanti rettangoli ed effettuate due tagli paralleli per il lungo.
Friggete le chiacchiere, poche per volta, in abbondante olio bollente, scolatele con un mestolo forato quando saranno dorate ed appoggiatele sulla carta assorbente. Lasciatele raffreddare e cospargetele con lo zucchero a velo.
CONSIGLI: Nella ricetta, come potrete notare, vi è l’utilizzo abbondante delle uova: esse sono effettivamente portatrici di colesterolo, e quindi consigliamo di non abusarne, ma contengono anche una discreta quantità di vitamina A che protegge la pelle ed aiuta la vista.

Per una buona frittura Clemente consiglia “Masserie del Parco”

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Cartellate to Winecooked

The Cartellate are perhaps the best known and practiced for Christmas Cakes Pugliesi. There is Apulian house that you do not do and their simplicity it has fed the customizations of great-grandmothers and grandmothers, become traditions over time.

  • Difficulty


  • Preparation


  • Cooking


  • Doses for

    Many people

  • Price



– 500g 00 flour

– 100g of Extra virgin olive oil to fry

– a teaspoon or a little more than Sugar

– a pinch of Till Salt

Scented White Wine as required

Arancia skins, Tangerine and Lemon

– a few tablespoons of Winecooked or Honey and Cookies to garnish


On a clean, dry work surface add the flour, add the oil, cinnamon and knead a bit ‘at a time with the pre-heated wine with sugar. Kneaded long and after obtaining a smooth and firm dough divide it into small pieces.
With l ‘aid of a machine, roll each piece into thin sheets (from # 1 to # 5) Since each puff, obtained with a toothed wheel of the strips about 1.5 to 2 cm. Close the ends by pinching with your fingers at intervals, getting so many cups. Then gently rolled band, thus obtaining a rose.
When you have completed all cartellate, lay them on multiple trays and leave them to dry for several hours (must dry out).
Fry a little ‘time cartellate in a large nonstick skillet with hot oil. Turn them often and remove them when they become golden and crisp, transferring them on a paper towel.
In a saucepan pour the cooked wine, bring on moderate and when they will be boiling in flame, turn the heat down to low and immerse cartellate a bit ‘at a time, paying attention to the direction. Before the smooth side and then the side with the cups, thus making the vincotto the farcirà perfectly.
Then transfer them to an appropriate dish and completatele scagle with chopped hazelnuts or almonds.

For a good frying Clement recommends Le Masserie del Parco

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Ice Cream with EVO Organic Oil “Montagna Sacra”

A fresh and delicate dessert to be sampled bit by bit. Better if served with “Montagna Sacra” Oil

  • Difficulty


  • Preparation


  • Cooking


  • Doses for

    4 persons

  • Price



– 800g Milk

– 200ml Cream

– 200g Sugar

– 200g Extra Virgin Olive Oil “Montagna Sacra”

– 100g Coarse Salt


Heat the milk without boiling it, add salt and sugar until they are both completely melted.

Let the mixture cool down and then slowly add the cream together with the extra virgin olive oil.

Pour everything into the ice-cream machine or alternatively pour the mixture inside an aluminium pan and let it freeze during the whole night.

Right before the use, remove the pan, cut into pieces and pour everything into the mixer (previously cooled inside the fridge) and blend it so as to prepare the ice cream until it gets creamy.

Serve the ice cream with Pecorino flakes or aged Parmigiano.

Clemente recommends serving this recipe with...

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