Olearia Clemente is the first organization in the olive sector – in the whole international context – to certify its extra virgin olive oil according to the ISCC Plus standard.
Recognized as the standard that best integrates all the sustainability requirements of a product, from environmental to social and economic aspects, from International Trade Center (ITC) – a joint agency of United Nations (UN) and the World Trade Organization – ISCC Plus (International Sustainability & amp; Carbon Certification) is one of the first schemes to be issued in Europe to certify sustainability of products, along the entire supply chain, from cultivation to marketing of products.
Hence the strategic choice of Olearia Clemente , with the support of the consulting company L’Officina GBS, to start a certification process for its supply chain in compliance with this standard for the 2021/22 olive oil campaign.
“The value expressed by our sustainable extra virgin olive oil is high and reflects the commitment and generosity of our producers, and the environmental and landscape resources that make it unique and unreproducible” commented Michele Clemente of Olearia Clemente.
“Through the ISCC Plus certification” adds Luigi Trigona, F & amp; B Sales Area Manager of DNV, “Olearia Clemente demonstrates its commitment to making its oils, in a sustainable way, protecting biodiversity local and contributing to the reduction of GHG greenhouse gas emissions “.
“Olearia Clemente has chosen a path that is integrated into the European Farm to Fork strategy, one of the pillars of the Green Deal that aims at climate neutrality in Europe by 2050, unequivocally traces the obligatory path that all companies must undertake to be more competitive. ” Underlined Vincenzo Verdoliva of L’Officina GBS.
These are the elements of sustainability certified by the ISCC plus standard
Environmental sustainability: all olive growers apply a certified organic production system in order to protect biodiversity and increase soil fertility. The olive groves are managed with sustainable agronomic techniques based on careful analysis of the soils and production areas.
Ethical sustainability: Olearia Clemente places the “person” at the center of its sustainable development path, therefore, all partner companies of the sustainable supply chain ensure respect for the fundamental rights of each worker and their physical integrity, cultural and moral, valuing diversity and promoting inclusion.
Social sustainability: the participation of all the actors of the local community (businesses, citizens, representatives, management bodies, public institutions) is encouraged in order to actively involve them in this sustainable development project, also through the implementation of information, awareness and promotion initiatives.
Economic sustainability: with the aim of ensuring an equitable distribution of added value along the supply chain so that producers can receive satisfactory and decent compensation. The role of the producer is central in a rural development process.
For this reason, Olearia Clemente recognizes the producer who cultivates in a sustainable way a price reward, commensurate with his commitment to the protection of the landscape and biodiversity.
Source: dnv.it