A unique and delicious dish for refined and non-refined palates. To be sampled with lemon-flavoured oil.

  • Difficulty


  • Preparation


  • Cooking


  • Doses for

    4 persons

  • Price



– 20 Red Prawns

EVO Oil flavoured with Clemente Lemon

– 1 Lemon

Pitted Olives


– Salt Flakes


Behead and peel prawns.

Take four tablespoons of EVO Lemon-Flavoured Oil Clemente and put them aside.

Regulate the quantity.

Add the strips of fresh basil together with some pitted olives.

Arrange prawns on a plate, sparkle the lemon-flavoured oil over them and add basil and some tiny olive fragments.

Finally add some salt flakes.

Clemente recommends serving this recipe with...

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